You have already mentioned your team on your home page. This is the place to elaborate on your team and provide more info so prospective clients can really see the people behind your business, and get a feel for who they will work with.

State why you are proud to have the best team to deliver your product / business.

Painter standing with canvas frame in workshop


Lifelong Learning Guide

One paragraph to talk about your second key team member: their main role, their key skills, their experience, how long they’ve been with you. Consider including a fun fact about what they like to do outside work.

Woman Wearing Brown Sun Hat and Gray Pinstriped Long-sleeved Long Dress


Art & Emotional Guide

One paragraph to talk about your second key team member: their main role, their key skills, their experience, how long they’ve been with you. Consider including a fun fact about what they like to do outside work.

Educational Advisory Board for Second Body Montessori School in Valencia, Spain

Second Body Montessori

Consejo Asesor Educativo

Educational Advisory Board for Second Body Montessori School in Valencia, Spain

3 destinatarios del Legado Vivo de la Sociedad Montessori Americana

Pioneros en entornos Montessori públicos, educación secundaria, programas de posgrado y de investigación Montessori, conferenciantes internacionales y autores

Fundadores/directores de escuelas, fundadores e instructores de TEP, guías de aula

Miembros de la junta de AMS y de la junta asesora de la escuela

Experiencia y éxito con la Educación Montessori en España

Más de 135 años de experiencia colectiva en Educación Montessori

Amigos y mentores